Monday, September 30, 2013

One Week Left: Bratislava

I have one week left here in Bratislava. My Schengen visa is only valid until October 29th, and I would love to hitchhike around a bit before I head on over to the UK. So, if anyone would like to give their input as to what I should see/shouldn’t see, food to try, and other such things, let me know!
This will be a bit of a boring post as not much has happened since I hitched to Budapest and back, not many travelers have been coming through the hostel, so not much to say. However, a certain famous Aussie singer did happen to make an appearance here whist attempting to have a normal Euro trip with three of his buddies! I took them on a pub crawl –and got sung to–before I new who he was.
Anyway, here is what I have planned so far:

It is a bit all over the place, but I may or may not head back to the states from UK, pretty much depending on what is going on, maybe if I miraculously gather enough money to get back…or fall in love with some sort of travel bum like myself, who knows what the next few weeks have in store for me…let alone months. It is a bit exciting not knowing what the future holds, not having any plans, whatsoever, other that a vague map that I may or may not follow…

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